All images and content copyright Daniel Jude Miller 2024

   It's the first morning of winter break and Mike was ready for a week of snow ball fights, sledding and having fun with his friends. But now Mike's got a problem, a big, obnoxious, annoying problem that has...

   After nine grueling months of school, Summer vacation has finally come, but with it something bigger, even more obnoxious, and believe it or not, twice as scary has also arrived. After what Mike had to endure over winter break, he never would have thought that...

   Have you ever had a headache? Well, Eddie just woke up with a with a giant, purple headache that travels with him everywhere, every day and refuses to leave. After so many ...

• Cell Phone Use
• Video Games
• Virtual Reality Pods
• Time Travel
• The Coolest Sneakers Ever
• Missing Teeth

• Static Electricity
• Greasers (Bullies)
• Something Called the "Road Ripper'
• Someone Called Dr. Paraparadox

• A Raging Fire

This Book Contains:

• Bananas

   Everyone has a birthday.
Everyone has a best friend.
But how many people are lucky enough to have the SAME birthday as their best friend?

   Halloween Boy and the Christmas Kid share that very special connection. But what if that is the only thing they have in common?

   Everyone wants to go home for the holidays, including the eighty-foot Norway Spruce that stands in the center of New York City as the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree.

   He doesn't know how he got here and he doesn't want to be here, so he's going to escape and head back home.

   How will New Yorkers react when they
find out that …

   Sunny loves being awake. She really loves, loves, loves being awake. What she doesn't love is catching anybody or anything sleeping during the day.
   If you're sleeping during the day, you'll miss out on all of the incredible, amazing, beautiful parts of the day that everyone...  

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* Not necessarily in that order.

   Aubrey Bledsoe is the newest student at Croaksville Middle school. She is far from the California she loves, and now has no friends. 

   After two weeks of eating in the cafeteria alone, she’s approached by the creepiest girl in the whole school, Lenore Mortis. Lenore dresses strangely, has an icy cold stare, and always hides behind an odd patchwork book.

    When Lenore invites Aubrey to her thirteenth birthday, she is not prepared for a slumber party that includes coffins, corpses, and a haunting, horrifying, horrible voice.

author • illustrator • Publisher




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